We have a central Gitlab instance hosted by an other department. Additionally I use a gitlab runner (kubernetes executor) in my internal kubernetes cluster to run my CI-Jobs. One of my co-workers asked me if it is possible to mount persistent storage like a nfs-volume into the GitlabCI pipeline to access a large set of sample files for testing purposes.
My first thought was that this kind of setup has to be well-supported by Gitlab, but damn was I wrong. I nearly wasted 2 hours of trial-and-error to get this working setup:
How to add NFS Storage to your GitlabCI Stages
Adding the NFS-volume (and volumeMount) to the values.yaml
of your gitlab-runner deployment does not work, because a mount
into the gitlab-runner pod does not propagate this volume to the different CI stages. Instead, you have to create a PV an PVC to the desired NFS path and link it to the runner as described in the following section:
Setup your Runner Helmchart
The NFS-share is accessible via
I use kustomize to deploy Helmcharts, because this is how we roll in ArgoCD:
The runner needs a special config for mounting NFS
Create the PVC and PV in one step.
The caveat is that you have to specify the size of the NFS persistent volume, because
mandatory when specifying a persistent volume claim.
Not really trivial, but adding a nfs volume to your Gitlab CI stages should be easy following the guide above.